Thursday 24 November 2011


This week has been one of the most emotional times of my life. The funny, and sad part of it is I didn't show it. I didn't know how to deal with my emotions this week. I had all sorts of mixed feelings towards my future; my friends; my journey. My depression got to me more than once, but I got up and gave it a go again. It's funny how we come to believe in anything that makes sense when we're not  comfortable with reality.
This week was my final week of the best four years of my life. I get goosebumps sitting, thinking about it. My life have become so rich with people, and now the time has come to finally say goodbye. It's the saddest thing ever. I want to believe that I'm gonna see all of my friends everyday. I want to believe that a social network won't be the only thing connecting us. I want to believe that I'm gonna walk out of my room, hear the laughter, the small talk, the anger. But I have to realize that its never gonna be like that again, and THAT makes me sad.

This morning I was too scared to get out of bed cos I know there's no one outside in the quad. I'm too scared to face my reality, but I have to. We all have to. We have to face that sometimes we don't have it. Sometimes we need help. Sometimes other people's advice is better than our own. We have to understand that this is not about us alone. To wake up and live means to invite other people into our lives. Every morning, scary as it may be at times, is an opportunity to tell a story. Someone can learn from our stories every morning. That is why I have to get out of bed, hold my head up high and let my friends know that they mean the world to me. We don't know what tomorrow will bring along, but we have today to make right; to forgive; to be loyal; to stand our ground. Another opportunity to look at the scars, at the pain and know that this is NOT the end. Our stories have many more mornings to survive.