Tuesday 17 July 2012

Stories behind stories- Paula

Many of us go through struggles in life; Things that tears our whole world apart, even if it’s just for a mere moment. We connect and reconnect with friends over the years and we take some of their pain upon ourselves, as if we could’ve made their lives any different than what it is. Yet when it comes to helping ourselves and our stories we are incapable of realizing the worth we have.

So StayAliveFriend was created to help people not go through whatever they are going through alone.

I spoke to a friend the other day and she explained to me she doesn’t want to read other people’s stories. She thinks it would just make her more depressed. So I started thinking about it. I definitely saw what she was talking about yet I just couldn’t comprehend the idea of not reaching out to people; not at least attempting to help them in some sort of way.

So I was watching Private practice this week where a young boy lost his mom to cancer and how everyone was telling his father how to handle him and force him in to certain things so he could start dealing with his mom’s death. The only thing the father saw was that he just wasn’t there yet. His son just wasn’t ready to deal with the loss of his mother. There’s no formula in dealing with pain and loss, nor are there any quick fixes to it. Each person we meet in our life is “composed” differently so we need to treat people differently in the various aspects of their lives. We need to be able to put aside our passion to help first understand the person we are dealing with and only then can we actually help them in a way that is helpful to them.

When I wasn’t there yet I needed to hear people’s stories. I needed to hear that everyone has a past. I needed to see that the people whom I thought had it all together; the people I placed WAY up THERE had crappy days just like me so that I could find the hope that would get me there someday.

So if you’re not there yet find people that would be willing to find you so that you can reach the top the way that YOU need to.

We are put in this world with people but not so that they can form you to their liking. You can only be formed by what you believe in. So keep strong and keep holding on and you’re “not there yet” will soon enough change into “I have arrived”.
