Tuesday 22 March 2011


About two weeks ago I posted a blog about this one sister of mine. you can go read the blog at www.ivorswartz.blogspot.com. I was talking about what a draining process it is for her to take care of such a big family all by herself. I was talking about the fact that she's questioning God at this stage in her life, because no matter how hard she's trying to serve Him, nothing good ever comes her way. She believes our family is cursed. Go and read the full blog.

Over the weekend I received an sms from her saying she's done, she's giving up on believing that God can somehow redeem her family from whatever curse they're under. A son went on a crazy rampage, stealing everything of value in their home, sell it for next to nothing, to buy drugs. He's only 18 years old. An eighteen year old causing the very person he was born out from so much grieve to the point where she don't want to exist anymore.

My sister was taken up into a mental institution 4 times already, prior to this morning. Its not because she's crazy, insane or out of her mind. It is because she can't handle the pressure. She can't cope with what's happening in her home. All the years serving God, or trying to, has come down to this. She's depressed, and God doesn't notice it? I bet you'd all disagree with me, and I'm okay with that but that's my question. I have no answers to these questions and I hope i do get answers someday, but for now I need something to give my sister to hold on. Unfortunately I can't use the God-card because in her mind, He failed her. In her mind, nothing that relates to God would be of any comfort to her.

In many instances like hers, religion, or anything that comes with it, is the last thing they want to hear. it is the last thing they wants to be encouraged with. It is in those moments, where God seem to be too out of our reach; when God seems be sitting with earphones, listening to loud gangster-rap music. It is in those moments that people need to hear that if God is not out there for them, we are. We are here to encourage them to StayAlive. We will be the hopeful. We will be their Jesus. We will remind them of the good they are; the worth they have, and the storms they face are not theirs to carry alone.

For the sake of hope, you have to StayAliveFriend. You have to StayAliveSister.

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