Wednesday 16 November 2011

Control...losing it.

I had an interview on Radio Pulpit this week, discussing the issue of depression and the stigma surrounding it. This is only my second radio interview ever, so it was quite a big thing for me. But what I didn't prepare for was the enormous response I'm receiving ever since. This certainly proves to me, and the whole of South Africa, that things aren't the way it's supposed to be. When a someone sms me to ask for prayer cos she doesn't know for how long she'll be able to resist the urge to rid the world of herself; when a grandparents phone me to send encouraging messages to their grandchild cutting; when a social worker contacts me, seeking help for her depression, something has gone terribly wrong in the society we find ourselves in.

This year so far, 97 teenagers in the Eastern Cape have committed suicide. Something is out of place. It is not good for a society  to force someone to injure themselves on order to fell, or to numb. Communities are supposed to make us feel part, not estrange us. I blame loneliness, depression, cutting, suicide, I blame it on ignorance. I blame it on the fact that people are afraid to talk about things that matters. I blame it on our superficiality. In our search for deepness we have became too shallow. We want to make people believe that its not okay when you are emotionally unstable; when you experience a whole lot of emotions all at once. It is not not acceptable when you don't have it all together. I say "SCREW THAT".

It is okay to fall apart sometimes. It is okay to lose control. It is okay to cry. It's what makes us human. What is NOT okay though is that we sit with our fears and failures by ourselves. We have been buying lies that tells us no one can be trusted. Humanity won't exist without trust. People have pushed us over the edge, but trust is that take us by the hand, pick us up. shakes off the dust, speak hope to our spirits, and allow us to move on again.

I know for a fact in my heart that this movement can and will help thousand of South African believe that hope is alive; that rescue is possible, and that our lives matters, small and simple they may be. One day we will come to know that we were all connected after all....and that's the beauty of it all.

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